Period: 1 May 2021 - 30 Apr 2023
What is CoViR all about?
The strict social distancing measures implemented in Europe due to the pandemic affected a multitude of social activities. Traditional learning and training was one of them. CoViR project will develop through co-creation participatory processes a pioneer multiuser e-learning platform embedding virtual reality collaboration rooms that will simulate class trainingwhile offering innovative tools (inside the 3D environment) that will allow for different kind of interaction between the trainer and the trainees. All participants in the virtual classroom will be able to hear each other and see their avatars moving as they move wearing the VR headset. At the same time, they will be able to change their avatars facial expression at real time and select body movements at will(non-verbal communication). Each participant will be able to load his own materials in the presentation board of the room (slides, video, images,sound), will be able to talk to each other, will be able to answer questionnaires, to vote, to change roles with the trainers and make a presentation, applause, drink or eat something and much more activities that will be decided during the project as adequate for the proposed platform.CoviR platform will be piloted for the needs of the “Communication Skills” subject, that is considered a difficult subject to be taught online.
The project will prepare the necessary training materials and tools that will facilitate trainers to offer the course through the VR collaborative platform. An e-learning platform with training materials and video tutorials on VR training will be used along with a teachers' guide to prepare trainers. The trainers that will follow the e-learning course will receive a certification. The certified trainers will train 3 trainees per country on the communication skills course using the CoViR VR platform to test themselves and the virtual reality tools.
The objectives of the project are: