Key Skills Micro-credentials: A Passport to Employment and Inclusion for People Entering the Labour Market and Disadvantaged Groups
02 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2026
Read More[NEARVET]
Period: 1 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2024
What is NEARVET all about?
Network of Excellence in Applied Research - NEARVET (Erasmus+, Forward Looking, 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2024) is an innovative programme of systematic inquiry and development in the field of Applied Research in VET.
The project aims to create innovation eco-systems in the partner countries, facilitating transfer of applied research-generated knowledge and techniques through the development, validation, establishment and mainstreaming from these collaborations. In essence, NEARVET aims not only to elaborate a methodology and a set of resources for applied research in VET, but does so as a point of reference for Applied Research in the VET sector, offering networking and collaboration opportunities on applied research project concepts, open access, knowledge sharing, peer review and online publishing features.
NEARVET will realize its ambitions with a set of specific outcomes meaning the elaboration of a methodological concept within which it will draw upon state-of-the-arts methods in the cocreation and validation of applied research methods in VET; the elaboration, development, testing, and validation of a NEARVET Blueprint composed of a competence framework; the establishment of a Network foundation that will coordinate and develop teams of experts and communities of practice who will share and develop knowledge on undertaking applied research projects; the establishment, elaboration and facilitation of a NEARVET Digital Hub combining special and innovative features with the aim to maximize the project’s systemic impact and to achieve sustainable exploitation of the project’s results; and the contribution to policy development and impact on IVET and CVET systems, through gathering recommendations and action plans mainstreaming applied research and experimental development in VET provision.
Ultimately, in real word practice, the SMEs can be assisted during the extended economic recovery phase from Covid-19 through an applied research and practice-based innovation strategy in partnership with Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutes. As a result, VET providers can prove to be the natural partners to help SMEs with applied research, while VET learners will also be exposed to the experiences of innovation, enhancing the skills and knowledge they will take forward into future employment. Thus, applied research is not only concerned with producing the outcome of increasing understanding or solving problems in industry; it contributes to pedagogy and to involving students in research activity, thereby extending their skills and producing the sort of creative workers the innovation system needs.
NEARVET is implemented with the support of the European Commission.
The NEARVET team consists of 12 organisations from 6 EU countries