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  • Current: Key Skills Micro-credentials: A Passport to Employment and Inclusion for People Entering the Labour Market and Disadvantaged Groups

Key Skills Micro-credentials: A Passport to Employment and Inclusion for People Entering the Labour Market and Disadvantaged Groups


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1 Jan 2024 - 31 Dec 2026

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What is MORAL all about?

Europe today faces numerous challenges: green and digital transitions are reshaping the way we live, work and interact, and call for a shift in skill sets to reap their full potential; the Covid-19 pandemic made telework and distance learning a reality for millions of people in the EU, revealed the limitations of our digital preparedness, and negatively impacted job opportunities for many; too many people cannot find a job because they do not have the right skills or they are working in jobs that do not match their talents; 40% of employers cannot find people with the right skills to fill their vacancies, while too few people have the skill sets and support to see setting up their own business as a realistic route; an unacceptably high proportion of Europeans – 1 in 5 – struggle with reading and writing, and even more have poor numeracy and digital skills; and while everyone should have the chance to upgrade their skills on a regular basis, only 4 in 10 adults take part in learning. These challenges indicate the NEED FOR A VARIETY OF SKILLS.

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MORAL Solution

MORAL aims to upskill employees at entry-level (junior) job positions and to facilitate the access of long-term unemployed with emphasis on women and young individuals, economically inactive women, and low-skilled adults (disadvantaged groups) to the labour market through the development of a ‘Passport To Employment’ (PTE), that is, through a set of stackable micro-credentials for 20 key skills required by employers today, deriving from 4 European Competence Frameworks (LifeComp, GreenComp, EntreComp, DigComp).

As per the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union issued in June 2022, ‘A micro-credential is the record of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a small volume of learning. These learning outcomes have been assessed against transparent and clearly defined standards. Courses leading to micro-credentials are designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge, skills and competences that respond to societal, personal, cultural or labour market needs. Micro-credentials are owned by the learner, can be shared and are portable. They may be standalone or combined into larger credentials. They are underpinned by quality assurance following agreed standards in the relevant sector or area of activity’.

Main Deliverables

Key Skills Matrix' (KSM)

including 20 key skills for employment at entry-level (junior) job positions in different industries and fields, aligned with employers’ requirements.

20 micro-credentials

for the 20 key skills, aligned with the European principles for the design, development, and issuance of micro-credentials as well as with ISO17024 standards.

Passport To Employment' (PTE)

which may be received by a learner who has been granted all the 20 micro-credentials.

20 micro-credentials

in the form of European Digital Credentials for Learning.

Learning content

on all the 20 key skills for the learners to take micro-courses and receive the 20 micro-credentials.

A certification scheme

for the validation of the assessment tool that will be used for granting the 20 micro-credentials and an assessment tool aligned with ISO17024 standards for the validation of the 20 micro-credentials.

The MORAL team consists of 11 organisations from 5 EU countries

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