Period: 1 Sep 2019 - 31 Aug 2022
What is WE CAN all about?
The 48% of women who arrived in European countries in 2014/2015 are unemployed 3 years after arrival (Eurostat). Employment Services in European countries also show particular difficulties in the employment of refugee/immigrant women. The rate for so-called low educated among unemployed women is above 90%. Those in this category who find employment are mostly subsidized by the government. The issues for refugee women, which may complicate the process of employment, can include low skills/qualifications, cultural characteristics, level of education, role in the family, late or none start of integration (language learning, social integration), living in closed residential areas. As a result of such difficulties, there are certain consequences in the field of employment for refugee women.
WE CAN Solution
The main aims of the WeCan project are to facilitate the integration of immigrant refugee women both socially and in the labor market; to create learning opportunities in adult education tailored for the needs of low-skilled immigrant women in the field of entrepreneurship, to encourage refugee/immigrant women to start their own business.
The project will do this with the following objectives:
The results of the project and its activities are expected to have a significant impact in local, national and European levels by providing new adult learning opportunity for immigrant women, help to widen the learning programs suggested by adult education institutions, will stimulate creation of new businesses in the society (which will improve economy and create more working places), support integration of women, creation of their own income. The products off WeCan project (description of formed networks, learning curriculum, guidance) will be available for use by business consultancies and employment services, which will facilitate their work with immigrant/refugee women
The WE CAN team consists of 6 organisations from 6 EU countries